
Bouquet de la Reine
Bouquet de la Reine

Bouquet de la Reine


EDT 100ml


Availability: In Stock

Bouquet de la Reine - FLORIS

The cool green topnotes of violet leaf and blackcurrant buds with the enticing soft fruitiness of fresh peaches combine with jasmine and rose entwined with exotic tuberose and ylang ylang as the radiant floral heart unfolds and leads to the base of sandalwood, vanilla and oakmoss.

Bouquet de la Reine - the Queen's bouquet - was created by Mr. Floris as a wedding gift for Queen Victoria as she married Prince Albert in 1840. The fragrance was then added to the Floris repertoire in 1860. A modern contemporary adaptation of this perfume was created and introduced to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen.